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Saturday May 11th 
10am - 2.30pm 


Tai Chi Bang
Eight Immortal Flute

Specialist Instructor Shifu Amanda Heidke
Training  Program:
Revision of sections 1 and 2 10.30am to 11.30am
Focus on learning Section 3 
11.30am - 2.30pm

Tai Chi Bang provides an object on which to focus. Holding the Bang with both palms helps focus, concentration and be in the moment which can make it easier

to gain the benefits of Tai Chi practice.
The form is based on characteristic Tai Chi postures with  traditional “eight-immortal flute" martial functions.
There are 36 movements
within Tai Chi Bang Eight Immortal Flute
which are divided into three Sections.

All Saints Parish Church Hall

Corner Cromwell and Oxford Streets

New Lambton

NSW Australia

Practise Bang provided for use at workshop 

Morning/Afternoon tea and

all day Refreshments provided

BYO lunch

NB: Workshop dates and /or topics are subject to change without notice

check website closer to the date for confirmation

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